Thursday, November 12, 2009

The answer to a million prayers

The time within you is's the moment you've been waiting for. That light you search for is not external, not internal is you. Yes, you!

Love isn't outside anyone's reach. It's not some elusive shadowy thing we can't grasp, only coming to a select few who are especially privileged.  It is everywhere! Mostly, people don't feel they are worthy to accept it, they can't bring themselves to trust it, or they don't know it when it's all around them. 

But I tell you....

You are the vision of love, a miracle in motion...part of the great tapestry of the Universe. You are a golden thread being woven, connecting, flowing, adding texture, color, depth, and inspiration to millions of people, some not yet born...Who you touch today will touch another tomorrow.  That is your legacy in motion.

You are a light of hope to people you don't even know....people who may not know how to tell you or may not be able to tell you. It is the way you move through life that inspires others. It is your passion, your joy...the way you paint your story...the way you sing your song.

I believe this with all my soul. It doesn't matter where you came from, what you are more than that...those are just minor parts of the vehicle.  What happened yesteryear isn't now. Let no one rob the world of the joy that is you...all you. Let nothing, no situation rob the world around you of you. To do so, is a travesty. Nothing and no one is worth that much of you, of stealing your greatness from the world.  No memory is worth that. No time in your life is worth that.

Call back your light from all the places it may be...whether it's hiding or whether it was taken. It's is the Divine Truth of your Being. It's part of your greatness, part of your magic. When you reclaim the lost pieces of you, in that moment, you will no longer rob the world of anything...ever.

You are the answer to prayers uttered by a million souls, both before you were born and after...and today still. That is part of Love that surrounds's's you, it's me, it's Life, it's the Magic of Creation.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

So happy to see you've started a blog!!!!
I could read what you write every day! Your words are music to my ears and to my heart. I've subscribed too, so I can keep up.