Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Live On the Edge of Simplicity

In a complicated world with endless noise, distraction, and chaos, the question is: "How can I live simply without being affected by the constant barrage of negativity?" Our society is inundated with it. It seems we can invent problems where none exist, including within our own minds.

In the thesaurus, Simply is followed by "naturally, easily, quietly, sincerely, honestly..." Those words are the magic by which an unadulterated life is obtained.

Gratitude has become more than a daily practice; it's a way of living. Every day, there is a miracle. All I have to do is slow down and take notice. Awareness sparkles like a diamond.

Creating Joy and Laughter is the composition of divine music. Each of us possesses that gift.

Slowing down, totally investing myself in the moments I am in, and breathing the light of life around me is a tool. It helps me center, assess before responding, truly listen with all of me, and separate things that beckon me to complicate my existence. With that tool, my world is unadulterated. (When I remember to use it)

In small ways throughout the day, I give to society from my heart. It doesn't matter if it's paying for some one's coffee in the line behind me or if it's a simple smile, acknowledging the cashier by name, complimenting her/him. It's the genuine actions that are the farthest reaching, more often than not.

Knowing what I own and what I don't is also key to living simplistically. However, this is much more challenging. It's too easy to lay claim to things I don't truly own. No other area of my life is this more tricky than in relationships. This is where the honesty aspect of living simply enters--honesty with self. Society, our ego, and people beg us to adopt and cherish fears, lies, subtle manipulations solely to feed the fragile scared little ego. Feeling self-important is so much different than knowing our importance (value) to the Greater Whole.

As I rid myself of false guilt--which almost always has its root in some deep seated fear--the line between what I truly own and what I don't, become more defined. In that moment, I nullify others' attempts to create conflict.

The task of living an unadulterated life remains a challenge. Finding the balance is an art, a dance, as everything is in constant flux. Surrendering to the constant ebb of life, isn't always the decision I want to make. (Maintaining control is arduous.) However, when I do surrender, it makes living more pure, more natural.

So, I don't live simply...yet.
I live on the Edge of simplicity.

1 comment:

Ozzie Ausband said...

krishnamurti stated-"concentration excludes, quiet awareness excludes nothing"...u are positively correct. u rule- Al