Saturday, January 2, 2010

Blue Moon

New Year's Eve was interesting as it housed a blue moon. The date was significant from a numerological standpoint: 12-31-2009.  The number 9.  I pondered the signifigance of it all. I'm still pondering....New Year's Day means many things to people: a chance to start over, resolve to try something new, give something up, etc. (For me, that comes on winter solstice.)

A full moon, to me, signifies the culmination of everything--all the seeds planted come to fruition. It's a fulfillment of ideas, thoughts, stages in personal acts of power, and creative endeavors. Wonder what would happen if I took large goals and made the small goals along the way correspond with the phase of the moon? (Random thought)

Then, the moon began to wane on the start of the new year...a letting go, a releasing of sorts.

On the flip side, perhaps there isn't much significance because our present day calendar doesn't correspond to anything in the natural world as the ancient calendars once did. So, does it mean anything that the blue moon appeared on the brink of a new year, a new decade? Maybe not.

Interestingly enough and a little known fact because the Christian church seldom talks about it, if at all: the Hebrew people celebrated new moon every month. It's in the Old Testament. They also celebrated the fall and spring equinoxes, if I recall correctly. (Perhaps they don't teach it because it sounds too pagan for them or because they've disregarded the Old Testament entirely which comprises about 85% of the whole Bible.) In almost every ancient culture, the moon phases and sun play a huge role in life, right down to planting of vegetables.

Perhaps goal setting based on my winter solstice declaration with the moon phases in mind, isn't a bad idea. It would be interesting to see what happens.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I like the idea of the moon phases - very unique. Good luck

Kate xx