Monday, November 16, 2009

In The Outer Limits of Chaos

It's no secret that our society fills our lives and minds with clutter, chaos, and noise.  All this impacts our stress level and our body's ability to handle stress.

We can't hear our own voices anymore. We drown our own hearts and spirit by thoughts, obligations, radio, TV, other people, demands, responsibilities...  It's an arduous and relentless assault on all our senses and spirit. We stand in the middle of it all like a barren tree in rising flood waters.

But Life doesn't have to be lived this way. Life doesn't have to even be seen this way. Living is much more fulfilling, much more profound, much more joyful.

There is this place that I can go any time I wish. Every one has this place, as well.  It's the source of  personal power and love.  It's inside...deep in the chasms of my soul.  It's the place of Silence. And where there is silence, only truth can be heard. Where there is silence, no lies can be uttered. 
It's that place where time can't touch with its ticking, demanding hands. No worries for future exists here. No regurgitation of  yesterday exists here. Where there are no distractions, all that is left is the essence of who I am and the voice of Creator.

Our inner workings are so complex. I simplified it as a reminder to myself. The mind is where everyone else's voice exist. The heart is where I hear my own voice. But the soul...the soul is the place where I hear the voice of Creation. It's subtle, soft whispers or distant lullabies. This is the place of silence...but a beautiful, fulfilling, serene silence. The silence of dreams and visions.

The mind is clamouring with every one's voices, opinions, expectations. Some days, it's an angry mob of protesters. Other days, it's a nursery of whining toddlers.  It drowns out the heart--my own voice. It demands to take precedence. Since there are times my own voice is also in the mind, it's easy to lose discernment and believe that every thing in the mind is aligned with my own voice, my heart.  It isn't always.

For myself, it's vital to know all the differences between the mind, heart and soul.  Knowing the differences is key to making them all one--bringing them into alignment with who I really am. With discernment, I can separate things in the mind that echo my heart and soul. I can extract the positive things, things that serve me well and discard the rest to the wind.

But I can't begin the process in my mind. I have to start in the outer limits of the chaos--in the soul. I take what is there and bring it up through me. I use my own measuring gauge. Does the heart echo the soul? What in the mind echoes both heart and soul?

It's not a thinking process. It's a listening with totality of Being, then feeling process.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The answer to a million prayers

The time within you is's the moment you've been waiting for. That light you search for is not external, not internal is you. Yes, you!

Love isn't outside anyone's reach. It's not some elusive shadowy thing we can't grasp, only coming to a select few who are especially privileged.  It is everywhere! Mostly, people don't feel they are worthy to accept it, they can't bring themselves to trust it, or they don't know it when it's all around them. 

But I tell you....

You are the vision of love, a miracle in motion...part of the great tapestry of the Universe. You are a golden thread being woven, connecting, flowing, adding texture, color, depth, and inspiration to millions of people, some not yet born...Who you touch today will touch another tomorrow.  That is your legacy in motion.

You are a light of hope to people you don't even know....people who may not know how to tell you or may not be able to tell you. It is the way you move through life that inspires others. It is your passion, your joy...the way you paint your story...the way you sing your song.

I believe this with all my soul. It doesn't matter where you came from, what you are more than that...those are just minor parts of the vehicle.  What happened yesteryear isn't now. Let no one rob the world of the joy that is you...all you. Let nothing, no situation rob the world around you of you. To do so, is a travesty. Nothing and no one is worth that much of you, of stealing your greatness from the world.  No memory is worth that. No time in your life is worth that.

Call back your light from all the places it may be...whether it's hiding or whether it was taken. It's is the Divine Truth of your Being. It's part of your greatness, part of your magic. When you reclaim the lost pieces of you, in that moment, you will no longer rob the world of anything...ever.

You are the answer to prayers uttered by a million souls, both before you were born and after...and today still. That is part of Love that surrounds's's you, it's me, it's Life, it's the Magic of Creation.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beneath the Soil

The dying moments...They aren't really dying but merely transforming.  Sometimes, the moments last a short duration. Uncomfortable as it may be, the clouds move away quickly, the light shines down and the storm is past. My world is nourished from the cleansing rain and the lightening has taken out the dry, broken, useless things that no longer serve me.

However, other times, the dying moments seem to last on and on and on. There seems no end to the darkness, the lack of vision.  The road ahead is clouded with fog and visibility is zero. I creep along, barely staying on the road.  Yet these are the times when transformation is its most visible, its most intense, and its most productive.

It is the winter of my life when the soil of my heart is frozen, the time of light is shortened, and the sky is most grey. The colors disappeared from my view and life seems monotonous.  But...underneath the cold stillness, much growth is occurring. Much is unseen.

People looking from the outside may see my walk in life as coming to a halt. They may see me as being withdrawn. It's the vibrant life inside that they aren't seeing. The seeds of Creation are taking root.

There are no dying moments--only on  the surface. I wait for the surface to shift and display a bounty of inspiration and beauty. I wait for the surface of my life to show the wisdom and healing that have grown. I wait...and then I can share the excess of it all with everyone around me.

It's only a moment I am living...the fog is thick...but I can still feel the road. Don't be deceived by the dying moments inbetween.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Live On the Edge of Simplicity

In a complicated world with endless noise, distraction, and chaos, the question is: "How can I live simply without being affected by the constant barrage of negativity?" Our society is inundated with it. It seems we can invent problems where none exist, including within our own minds.

In the thesaurus, Simply is followed by "naturally, easily, quietly, sincerely, honestly..." Those words are the magic by which an unadulterated life is obtained.

Gratitude has become more than a daily practice; it's a way of living. Every day, there is a miracle. All I have to do is slow down and take notice. Awareness sparkles like a diamond.

Creating Joy and Laughter is the composition of divine music. Each of us possesses that gift.

Slowing down, totally investing myself in the moments I am in, and breathing the light of life around me is a tool. It helps me center, assess before responding, truly listen with all of me, and separate things that beckon me to complicate my existence. With that tool, my world is unadulterated. (When I remember to use it)

In small ways throughout the day, I give to society from my heart. It doesn't matter if it's paying for some one's coffee in the line behind me or if it's a simple smile, acknowledging the cashier by name, complimenting her/him. It's the genuine actions that are the farthest reaching, more often than not.

Knowing what I own and what I don't is also key to living simplistically. However, this is much more challenging. It's too easy to lay claim to things I don't truly own. No other area of my life is this more tricky than in relationships. This is where the honesty aspect of living simply enters--honesty with self. Society, our ego, and people beg us to adopt and cherish fears, lies, subtle manipulations solely to feed the fragile scared little ego. Feeling self-important is so much different than knowing our importance (value) to the Greater Whole.

As I rid myself of false guilt--which almost always has its root in some deep seated fear--the line between what I truly own and what I don't, become more defined. In that moment, I nullify others' attempts to create conflict.

The task of living an unadulterated life remains a challenge. Finding the balance is an art, a dance, as everything is in constant flux. Surrendering to the constant ebb of life, isn't always the decision I want to make. (Maintaining control is arduous.) However, when I do surrender, it makes living more pure, more natural.

So, I don't live simply...yet.
I live on the Edge of simplicity.